Bavarian Nordic A/S - BVNKF stock

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OTC Symbol: BVNKF | OTC Tier: Pink Limited


Bavarian Nordic A/S is a biopharmaceutical company based in Hellerup, Denmark, specializing in the development, manufacturing, and commercialization of life-saving vaccines. The company offers vaccines for smallpox, monkeypox, rabies, tick-borne encephalitis, and Ebola, under various brand names. Additionally, it is actively involved in developing vaccines for other diseases, including respiratory syncytial virus, SARS-CoV-2, and certain types of advanced cancers. Bavarian Nordic operates globally, with a presence in multiple countries, including the United States, Germany, Belgium, France, Canada, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, Australia, and Switzerland.[1]


Bavarian Nordic A/S was founded in 1992 in Denmark. The company's origin can be traced back to its establishment in the town of Kvistgaard, which is situated in the region of North Zealand, Denmark. It was founded with the vision of developing innovative and life-saving vaccines to address critical global health challenges.[2]

The company's early focus was on developing vaccines for infectious diseases, particularly targeting smallpox and monkeypox. Over the years, Bavarian Nordic has expanded its vaccine portfolio to include vaccines for rabies, tick-borne encephalitis, Ebola, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and other diseases.[3]

Bavarian Nordic gained significant recognition and attention for its work on developing a smallpox vaccine, particularly a non-replicating smallpox vaccine known as IMVAMUNE (also marketed as IMVANEX), which played a crucial role in global efforts to address the threat of smallpox outbreaks and bioterrorism.[4]

The company has also been actively involved in collaborations and partnerships with other organizations, including AdaptVac, the National Cancer Institute, and the Public Health Service, to advance vaccine research and development.[5]

Research and Development[edit]

Ebola Vaccine[edit]

In 2014, after several years of development effort and following a successful demonstration of it's Ebola and Marburg hemorrhagic fever diseases vaccine, the company partnered with Janssen Pharmaceuticals subsidiary Crucell Holland B.V. to develop a vaccine regimen of its multivalent MVA-BN Filovirus vaccine and Crucell/Janssen's AdVac adenoviral vectors based technology. The treatment was developed for emergency use in West Africa to address and outbreak, and 400,000 doses were produced by 2015 for clinical trials. The European Union provided approval for use in 2020.[6]


MVA-BN, a proprietary invention by Bavarian Nordic, originates from the Modified vaccinia Ankara virus. Unlike other vaccinia-based vaccines that might replicate in humans and potentially lead to serious side effects, MVA-BN can't replicate in human cells. Initially designed to counteract smallpox and monkeypox, MVA-BN has been authorized in Canada under the name Imvamune, in the European Union as Imvanex, and in the U.S. as Jynneos.[7] This vaccine has also been included in the U.S. Strategic National Stockpile and other governmental reserves. Globally, MVA-BN was employed in response to the 2022 monkeypox epidemic, which stirred worries about vaccine nationalism and stockpiling by nations that had prior agreements.



Imvanex is a vaccine designed to safeguard adults from smallpox. It is formulated with a diminished form of the vaccinia virus named 'modified vaccinia virus Ankara', a relative of the smallpox virus. Though smallpox was officially proclaimed eradicated in 1980 with the last documented case in 1977, this vaccine is administered based on official guidelines when protection against smallpox is deemed essential. Additionally, Imvanex serves to defend adults from monkeypox and illnesses resulting from the vaccinia virus.[8]


JYNNEOS is a vaccine designed for adults aged 18 and above to prevent smallpox and monkeypox infections, particularly for those at an elevated risk of contracting these diseases.[7]

  1. Yahoo Finance. BVNKF Stock Profile. Retrieved on 8/24/2023.
  2. About. Retrieved on 8/3/2023.
  3. Bavarian Nordic A/S Form F-1 Prospectus. January 11, 2016.
  4. Wikipedia. Bavarian Nordic. Retrieved on 8/7/2023.
  5. Pharma Intelligence. Bavarian Nordic Research Institute. January 1, 1997.
  6. GlobeNewswire. Bavarian Nordic Enters Licensing and Supply Agreement with Janssen on MVA-BN® Ebola Vaccine. October 22, 2014.
  7. 7.0 7.1 U.S. Food and Drug Administration. JYNNEOS. Retrieved on 8/24/2023.
  8. European Medicines Agency. Imvanex. Retrieved on 8/24/2023.

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